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CIONICS monitoring systems offer flexibility and scalability to monitor buidings of all sizes and complexities.  Wire-free sensor technology enables temperature and humidity sensors to be placed exactly where needed, moved if necessary, without damage to the building. 

  • Fully automated continuous recording of all sensor data

  • Historical and real-time data available on demand with graphing in real-time

  • Broad range of sensor types - temperature, humidity (RH), airflow and C02 and other gases  

  • Event time and date with history and duration

  • Instantaneous event information to graphical plant layouts

  • Detection of intruders, smoke, flood

  • Conditional alerting to Mobile users via Web / SMS and E-mail

Avoid expensive, repetitive surveys. Call now !
Monitoring Buildings of Historical Interest
The preservation of ancient buildings, churches and other structures requires accurate and reliable knowledge of environmental conditions in all climates.  Data-logging and processing the resultant data can be laborious and very time consuming. Why not simply automate the process?

Historical Buildings

Monitoring, Recording and Alerting

Engineered solutions that fit your requirements precisely
Telephone: +44 (0)844 884 3370

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